Electric Car Electricity Cost Calculator

Use this Electric Car Electricity Cost Calculator to see how much it will cost you to charge an electric car at home. Enter your expected mileage to see your electricity costs per mile, month and year.

This calculator is prepopulated with averages according to The Cost Of Charging An Electric Car At Home.

Quick tip to reduce the cost of charging electric cars by at least 50%

In my post, The Cost Of Charging An Electric Car At Home, I give 6 simple tips to help you reduce the cost of charging your electric car at home.

The biggest cost saver is charging at night. If you’re on an appropriate plan you’ll likely save at least 50% on your charging costs. That’s if you remember to only charge your car at off-peak hours.

There are Level 2 home charging stations that can help you ensure you charge at night, only. ChargePoint Home Flex Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger is an efficient, Energy Star certified, home charging station with this capability.

Alternatively, if you don’t have a Level 2 home charger, a simple socket timer or Smart Plug could help you ensure that you only charge at night when your electricity cost is lowest.

Want to go even greener?

Electric car owners are typically more environmentally conscious. With 63% of electricity (in the US) being generated by burning fossil fuels, electric car owners might have a higher carbon footprint than they think.

To help the environment even more, why not consider asking your energy provider about green power?

This will likely increase your charging costs slightly, but you’ll still make considerable cost saving by only charging at night.

To offset the cost even more, check out these 6 simple tips to reduce the cost of charging your electric car at home.