Estimate how much it costs you to run various household appliances and devices without doing the math – use the energy cost calculators in the articles below.
Use this Electric Car Electricity Cost Calculator to see how much it will cost you to charge an electric car at home.
How much does it cost you to charge an eBike? Use this Electric Bike Electricity Cost Calculator to find out.
Cost To Run An Electric Fireplace Revealed [8 Cost Saving Tips + Calculator]
See how much it costs to run an electric fireplace in 2023, get 8 practical cost saving tips and use this calculator to see how much it costs you to run your own electric fireplace.
Hair Dryer Wattage Results 2024 [Calc, kWh, Costs, CFM & dB]
How many watts does a hair dryer use? Find out below, based on 78 of the best selling models. Plus get key hair dryer wattage insights, running costs (incl. a calculator) and cost saving tips.
Cost To Run A Microwave In 2024 [Calc + 5 Cost Saving Tips]
How much does it cost to run a microwave? Find out here, based on 203 models. Plus use this calculator to see your own costs and keep them low with these 5 cost saving tips.
Table Fan Wattage & Running Costs Revealed [2024]
Get a breakdown of table fan wattage by size and see the average running costs. Also, find the most efficient table fan and see how you can work out your running costs, here.
Cost To Charge Hyundai Ioniq Electric [Charge Time & $/mile]
How much does it cost to charge a Hyundai Ioniq Electric & how long does it take? Find out here, & see the cost per mile. Also, save 50% on your charging costs with this tip.
Cost to run portable ACs in 2024 [Cheapest to run + Calculator]
How much does it cost to run a portable air conditioner? Find out here. Also, get running costs of the lowest wattage & most efficient units. Plus, use this calculator to see your own specific costs.
PS5 Electricity Cost [5 Easy Cost Saving Tips]
How much electricity does a PS5 use? Find out here & get an hourly, weekly, monthly & annual cost breakdown. And see how you can easily reduce the costs & your carbon footprint.
Fan Wattage, Efficiency And Cost To Run [Fan Types Compared]
This study of 0000’s of fans compares ceiling, box, tower and table / pedestal / standing fans to reveal the most efficient fan type and models. Get the results here.
Cost To Run A Box Fan Revealed [6 Easy $ Saving Tips]
See the hourly, daily, weekly & monthly cost to run a box fan here. Use the calculator to work out your own costs and get 6 tips to reduce them & your carbon footprint.
Cost To Run A TV Revealed [8 Cost Saving Tips + Calculator]
How much does a TV cost to run? Find out here. And keep your TV running costs low with these 8 cost saving tips. Plus, use this calculator to see your own TV electricity costs.
Electric Car Cost Per Mile [Results For 277 eCars + Calc.]
See how much it costs per mile to drive 277 electric cars. See the average and lowest cost per mile, along with 6 simple and quick ways to reduce your cost per mile.
Toaster Wattage 2024 [Lowest W | 226+ Studied | Cost P/Use]
How many watts does a toaster use, & which is the lowest wattage toaster? Find out here, based on enery tests, & a 226+ toaster wattage study. Plus, see the cost per use, hr & more.
Cost To Run A Freezer [Based On 354 Models | $$ Saving Tips]
How much does it cost to run a freezer? Find out here, by freezer type, based on 354 models. And get 10 tips to keep your freezer running costs and carbon footprint low.
Lucid Air Charging Cost & Time [kWh/mile, Capacity & More]
How much does it cost to charge a Lucid Air? Find out here. Plus see the cost per mile, total range, charging times, miles per kWh, and more, for each Lucid Air model.
Electric Scooter Charging Cost [Calculator + 5 Tips To Save $]
Get electric scooter charging costs for a range of e scooters. Use the calculator to see your own electricity costs and reduce them with these 5 simple electricity cost saving tips.
Electric Kettle Running Costs [Calculator + 7 Cost Saving Tips]
How much electricity does a kettle use? Find out below, and see how much they cost to boil, and get 7 tips that’ll keep your costs low.
Tower Fan Power And Running Costs [With Data]
See how much it costs to run your (or any) tower fan. And see the highest, average & lowest wattage, CFM & noise levels of the best selling tower fans, here.
Cost To Run An Air Purifier 2024 [Calculator + Saving Tips]
How much does it cost to run an air purifier? Find out here (results based on 243 air purifiers). Get 10 tips to reduce your electric bills & use this calculator to see your running costs.
Lucid Air vs Tesla [kWh, Charging & More Key Specs Compared]
Lucid Air vs Tesla – a comprehensive comparison. We put Lucid Air and Tesla face-to-face across efficiency, price, running costs and other key performance factors. See how Tesla and Lucid Air match up here.